Pharma LBL or Leave Behind Literature are pamphlets that Medical Representatives leave at doctor's or pharmacists' desks, so that they can be referred any time for Product Literature. They serve as good reminders to doctors and health professionals about the product key features and qualities.
They can be considered as supportive document with the Pharma Visual Aids.
Our experts from Pharmacy background, will curate perfect scientific content for your pharma brand so that it can connect the science with the product.
Our designers present the scientific content in Pharma LBL very decently and in a scientific manner. Proper taglines and headlines will be highlighted, and the support content will be presented in descriptive manner. Connecting infographic and images will be presented according to the content of the product.
We provide Pharma LBLs Printing services with printing varieties. We optimise best quality printing at cost effective rates. Here are the features of our Pharma LBL printing services.